VME SOLUTIONS, We have CERTIFIED AERB Engineers to do the Authorised works for Hospital Customers. We do for your Customized Services as per your Business requirements.
Once the decision to establish a radiotherapy facility has been taken, careful coordination and monitoring of the planning and timelines are key to a successful project. The professional team required to design, construct and commission a radiotherapy facility needs to be multidisciplinary.
Construction of specialized bunkers to house the radiotherapy imaging and treatment equipment, but it also needs to take into account the clinical workflow as well as anticipate non-disruptive expansion in the future.
In Any Hospital, A radiotherapy center or department should be specifically planned and designed to fulfill its role, in terms of appropriate patient flow, location of the treatment machines, waiting rooms, physicians’ offices, and patient examination rooms, planning rooms, mold room, storage, and others as required.
Once the decision to establish a radiotherapy facility has been made, careful co-ordination, and monitoring of the planning and timelines is key to the project’s success. The professional team required to design, construct, and commission a radiotherapy facility needs to be multi-disciplinary because the project not only involves the construction of specialized bunkers to house the radiotherapy imaging and treatment equipment but also needs to take into account the clinical workflow as well as anticipate non-disruptive expansion in the future. Since the process of radiotherapy is closely related to key staff functions, the detail of the internal design of the facility is important to achieving sound work-place ergonomics and to facilitate workflow. An overall concept design should therefore consist of the five key functional areas, which expedite radiotherapy workflow. These functional areas are the reception, clinical consulting areas, the imaging and treatment planning area, and the treatment suites (Linear Accelerators, Teletherapy and Brachytherapy). The relative placement of these areas should be adapted to the proposed site and preferred local practice; however, it should expedite broader staff and patient movement, consultation, and communication. The position of the major equipment at the various duty stations within each functional area is provided for in “International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Radiotherapy facilities; master planning and concept design considerations (16)”. Also the NATIONAL LEVEL Certified Bodies like AERB, BARC, MUMBAI, INDIA. Expansion route possibilities are also indicated.
Clinically qualified medical physicists are responsible for ensuring that the shielding calculations are based on acceptable estimates of the projected local workload, use, and occupancy factors, and that the design accommodates the desired clinical workflow. In addition, the future implementation of new techniques and technologies should also be considered. The national radiation safety regulator is mandated to approve the final design prior to construction, and license the facility prior to the initiation of operations. Timeline synchronization between building a radiotherapy facility, procurement, and installation of equipment and training of staff is very important and has to be planned carefully. If the equipment is installed but the team has not completed their training, the result will be a non-operational facility, which is generating costs but not treating patients. Conversely, if staff completes their training long before the facility is ready, members may be compelled to take other job positions, change career, or emigrate in search of their livelihood. Our experience indicates that training of a radiotherapy team should start roughly 2 years before the initiation of construction. Funds for staff training must be allocated early and be part of the initial business plan or project proposal.